HELLO, 2022!

Lisa A. McCombs
3 min readDec 27, 2021
Photo by Cristian Escobar on Unsplash

I’m not making resolutions this year. Instead, I will follow the guidance learned in Ninja Writers over the holidays. I have GOALS for the new year, as well as a projected five-year plan for my life.

My goals for 2022:

  • Publish a Bio and Backstory every other month.
  • Work on the next Church of Go novel: Samson’s Delilah is the tale of two high school juniors destined to be together regardless of their seemingly different lifestyles. A fluky summer school assignment teaches Sam and Lila the meaning of family and the importance of faith.

* It’s time to start treating my writing as a business; therefore, in January this author is getting serious about uncomfortable stuff like marketing, banking, website construction, online publishing, e-mail lists, and newsletter distribution. (Oh, yes, this gal is plumb full of anxiety right about now.)

* I will be more loyal to my physical health by visiting MS Gym and/or Body Groove Daily Workout online at least every other day. I will also work more diligently to master my Bioness L100 Go. This chick Warrior WILL walk unbridled in 2022.

Last year I took the GoodReads challenge and vowed to review 100 books. I DID review over 100 books but ran into an issue with some authors NOT wanting me to publish reviews on this site. Hey, each to his own but what author doesn’t want to broadcast his/her work?


I review titles for Reader’s Favorite and plan to review 50 books in 2022 for that site. I will record as many readings as possible on Good Reads.

So many books; so little time.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

I’m finally biting the bullet in 2022 and Paying for a website designer. After years of trying to do it on my own, I WILL have a website by the end of January 2022. Between my lack of interest in the process and my lack of tech knowledge, this process has only produced high anxiety for me. I’d rather be writing, reading, or working on that elusive knitted sock pattern. 2022 will give me what I want even if it is at a price.

Further announcements will probably include a Square designed website. I will keep you updated.

Lisa, The Lady with the Cane

