Lisa A. McCombs
2 min readMar 8, 2022


Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

In a world where 10,000 is the expected daily goal of steps for walking, I am often happy to successfully accumulate 100 without disaster striking.

Prior to diagnosis, I walked 3–5miles several days a week. I didn’t know that the strength it took to complete that task was nothing compared to the strength required to walk at all. (Read that story here:

Always set the bar where you can actually get over it. That way you experience something called “the energy of completion.” You need to experience this. On a regular basis.

Completion is key. It’s like giving your brain dopamine snacks. It’s how the brain learns to perform. Trevor Wicken at the MS Gym ( this consistently. We MUST train our brains.

Trevor insists that Dopamine snacks are a must. By “snacking” on small exercises throughout the day, we remind the brain how to perform the practiced movement. Start small, but keep the big picture within range.

As a writer, I have learned that writing a meer ten minutes a day can (and will) become a habit, making that goal of a finished manuscript possible. Mainly because that ten-minute sprint often leads to an extension of time at the keyboard.

Reaching a goal of 10 unassisted push-ups can be attained by starting with three and increasing the count when ready. But it must be done every day.

When it comes to creating great habits, don’t set the bar so high you never get to celebrate. Completion beats perfection any day. And, yes, celebrate your accomplishments. This is where accountability companions come into play. I found a ridiculously fun group of women in the MS Gym. We speak throughout the week online with the purpose of motivating one another. We understand our shared personal trials and woes. We celebrate one another’s accomplishments. We laugh. We cry. We encourage. We challenge one another.

Plan your activities with the mindset of completion. You are competing against an illogical MonSter that does not understand the power of the human mind. By starting small and consistently working toward a bigger goal, you will sneak up on the enemy.

Don’t worry about those 10,000 steps. Walk 10. Stop. Celebrate. Repeat. Suddenly those ten steps will increase to 12,15,25…

Start with 10 minutes of meditation rather than 30.

Give yourself 10 minutes a day for completing a chosen task.

Make the number 10 an important part of each day.

Make completion a habit.

Lisa, Lady With the Cane

