Lisa A. McCombs
2 min readNov 19, 2021
Photo by Jackson David on Unsplash

I have no idea how to say thank you to my home town of Monongah, West Virginia, and the Cross of Christ Community Church, for the unbelievable show of support and generosity shown to me Sunday, November 24, 2021. There are no words. There is no adequate reaction.

God has blessed me with an incredible support group and I pray that what has been done for me will benefit many other MS Warriors in West Virginia.

My journey began on July 1, 2001, when I was diagnosed with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, six months after the birth of my only child. Someone was looking out for me then and continues to bless me today.

After researching and fighting the insurance company for financial assistance in obtaining an electrical stimulation device for my drop foot, my little town in north-central West Virginia insisted on helping earn the funds to acquire the Bioness L300Go, a functional electrical stimulation device that will assist in pulling the reluctant toes on my right foot up and learning the floor when I walk.

No, I didn’t want to participate(it felt like I had my handout for $), but the thought of introducing this device to other warriors in the state was too intoxicating to pass. The closest Bioness supplier in proximity is outside of West Virginia, making office visits and training sessions even more expensive and complicated. When I learned that Morgantown Orthodics and Prosthesis could become a certified distributor with the addition of ONE MORE patient, I had to agree with my pastor and the town mayor that a fundraising campaign was necessary.

The NationalMultiple Sclerosis Society granted $1000.00 to our campaign and got the ball rolling.

With added kindness of my church community and the town as a whole, the fundraiser was a giant success and more than enough financial support was raised. The remainder I will donate to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society to be directed toward research.

This disease should have been solved by now and I hate to admit it, but I believe multiple sclerosis (and cancer) is closer to being cured than we mere mortals have been told. But, hey, Elvis is probably still alive also.

On Tuesday, November 23, 2021, I have an appointment to be fitted for my very own BionessL300Go. I am nervous. I am excited. I am anxious.

Above all, I am grateful.

Walk on,


