trying and crying

Lisa A. McCombs
2 min readOct 27, 2021
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

This is ridiculous. A long time ago I taught high-impact aerobics, walked 5–7 miles four times a week, and rode my bicycle to work when the weather allowed.

This morning I couldn’t tie my shoelaces.

I would love to place blame on old age, the pandemic, old age, the expired gym membership, or old age.

Unfortunately, the problem is none of the above. The problem is the MonSter.

pon retiring a few years back, I was excited about all the things I could do during these post-employment days. It didn’t take long to realize I was no longer in the driver's seat.

I even purchased an adult trike to replace my ten-speed. Guess what? I managed to fall off the three-wheeler. That’s the last time I tried riding a bike.

My walking now consists of mini treks around the house and grocery store strolling.

The only aerobics I can manage of the extremely low impact variety and include NO quick moves.

But I try every day to stretch or work in a resistance band routine of sorts. I’m growing concerned about driving and will quit when there is no recourse. When that happens, I’m sure depression will follow. Not because I am infatuated with driving, but the dependency on others will do me in.

Enough rambling for today. I just needed to vent. My cat hid when I started telling her my woes. Sorry to burden you with this.

Have a great HUMP DAY!

Lisa, Lady With the Cane

